
Why It’s Better to Ask for Help
I actually think the same things do make most people happy. The differences are extremely small, and around the margins. You like peach ice cream; I like strawberry ice cream. Both of us like ice cream much better than a smack on the head. – Dan Gilbert Let’s say you are weighing a big decision ...

Invest in Learning, Invest in Your Future You
This is a world of immediacy, a world of now. It’s a world of deadlines, stress, and constant demands. We have to not only deliver results at work, but also take time to read with our kids, be present and mindful with our loved ones, and get to the gym. It’s exhausting. These demands lead ...

Why Is It So Hard to Live up to Our Values?
I’ve known communication experts with dysfunctional relationships, professional speakers who decline events because they are horrified to go on stage, and time management gurus who are late to meetings. I’ve met renowned thought-leaders who fabricate some of their work to get published, and personal change advisors who are terrified of change. Why is it so ...

What’s Possible If We Ignore What Other People Think?
“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” – Lao Tzu On March 2 1962, Wilt “the Stilt” Chamberlain had the highest scoring NBA basketball game of all time. He scored 100 points in that game, a feat likely never to be repeated. Chamberlain was the number two highest average ...

Three Ridiculous Myths About Leadership
This article is excerpted and edited from my new book, Small Acts of Leadership. Enjoy! As one of the most revered coaches in American history, John Wooden, the “Wizard of Westwood,” coached his University of California basketball team to an unprecedented ten national championship titles in twelve years. This remarkable winning streak included an astonishing ...

A Trick to Reduce Election Stress and Up Your Game
The glass is not half full, or half empty. It is refillable. Your value to an organization is not in the hours you clock, the number of emails you flip, slide decks you build, and it’s certainly not in the air miles you log to get in to Zone 1 boarding. Your value is in ...