
Why We Need to Share Our Family Stories

Do you know where your grandparents grew up? Do you know where your parents went to high school? Do you know where your parents met? Do you know an illness or something really terrible that happened in your family? How well do you know your family history? Listening to – and telling – the stories ...

Why a Micro-Adventure Can Be Just as Thrilling

Hello and welcome back! It’s summertime and I’m thinking a lot about how travel and adventure can be transformational. But it doesn’t have to be epic. It can be right in your backyard! Read on. Recently my wife and I set off with our friends Kris and Susan to bicycle around the famed Cabot Trail ...

Be Who You Needed When You Were Younger

Hello and welcome back to our newsletter! Last time I was writing about how a practice of gratitude helps us make better decisions for our future self. Basically, you should try to make daily choices in the interest of Future You. It’s sounds obvious, but you can read more here about why it’s hard to ...

Every Big Thing You Have Ever Done Required This

Hello and welcome back to our newsletter! Last week I was musing about ultrarunning Japanese monks. How they can possibly fathom their own astonishing goals? Not to oversimplify it, but basically they don’t. They just take it one step at a time. This week I’m thinking about how our attention is fracturing. Our eroding focus ...

If There Are No Monsters in the Closet, Why Am I Still Afraid?

Hello and welcome back to our newsletter! Last week I was writing about why we can’t pay attention, and also wondering who would make it to the end of my article. Turns out, many of you did, after taking a few breaks along the way. This week I’ve got conspiracy theories on my mind. Why ...

Think of Conversation as Travel

Within every individual, there is an entire world within them, a universe of experiences, knowledge, joy and adversity. Think of conversation as travel, as an exploration. And just like actual travel, a deep conversation is also an adventure, an opening to new ideas and other ways of seeing the world. “Almost every crisis we’re facing ...