
How to Ask More Powerful Questions

Transcript: In 1965, a guy named Dewayne Douglas, he was the football coach at the University of Florida, he watched his players run around in sweat and drink gallons of water for hours in the hot Florida sunshine and he squinted up into the sun one day and he wondered out loud to himself, why ...

You Can Ask for More Than You Think

Transcript: People who are seen by others as getting assertiveness right, often mistakenly think they’ve gotten it wrong. In 2014, there was a study by some students at Columbia Business School, and they found that 57% of those who believed that they were appropriately assertive in their requests, their negotiations, their conversations, they were actually ...

The Hardest Part is Starting

Transcript: Three years ago this summer, we went on an adventure. My friend Hobbit and Erich, we got together and we took our four teenagers and we flew to Seattle, Washington with our bicycles and we unpacked our bicycles on the front lawn of our friend, Jason and Jorji’s house, and we assembled them and ...

Growth After Crisis Is Possible

In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning. —Viktor Frankl Most people say they don’t like adversity. If you ask, many of us would say that this Covid19 situation, right now, sucks. And the last thing we want to hear is, “You’ll grow from this.” Please. Don’t start ...

Raising Your Resiliency – Start Small

Things are sideways right now. We know. It won’t last forever, it’s not someone’s fault and you can make a difference in someone’s life each and every day simply in how you show up with discipline and faith that we will endure and see each other through. To help us work through this strange time, ...

Keep up the Fight

Remember on March 13, the scenes of Italians singing together from their balconies while on lockdown. Throughout the city graffiti everywhere proclaimed “andrà tutto bene” (everything will be alright). Six weeks earlier, on January 28 throughout Wuhan citizens leaned out of their apartment buildings and chanted together “jiāyóu” (keep up the fight). Remember 2012 Hurricane ...