
Keep up the Fight
Remember on March 13, the scenes of Italians singing together from their balconies while on lockdown. Throughout the city graffiti everywhere proclaimed “andrà tutto bene” (everything will be alright). Six weeks earlier, on January 28 throughout Wuhan citizens leaned out of their apartment buildings and chanted together “jiāyóu” (keep up the fight). Remember 2012 Hurricane ...

A Little Mindfulness Goes a Long Way
You walk in for your appointment. You greet the receptionist. She says, “Just have a seat. We’ll call you when we’re ready.” You turn around and see three chairs, two of them already occupied by people reading a magazine or looking at their phone. You take the empty seat and wait. A few minutes later ...

Turn off Your Notifications. Seriously. Do It.
Casey just commented on a post you are following! Turn off your push notifications. The alerts, app banners, pocket vibrations, ringtones, the little email preview pop-ups. Do you depend on them for your job? Is it really urgent? Is it? Turn them off. All of them. “The effectiveness of communication is not defined by the ...

Gratitude Is Not About the Past. It Guides Our Future.
We think gratitude is about the past. It’s not. Gratitude feels like an emotion in which we reflect on a past event, or previous moment, or sometimes a specific person, and what they did for us or how they made us feel. We think about that past place and time and person and feel a ...

Your Vulnerability is an Act of Courage
Imagine you just got in a disagreement with your colleague. You had one idea, they had another. In the moment, the stakes were high. You were adamant. You were right! And besides, they were being ridiculous. Or imagine you got in an annoying little passive-aggressive argument about nothing with your partner. Something small like who ...

You’re Trying to Hire the Wrong People
What do you think is the average age of the founders of most new companies? Or an even better question is, what do you think the average age is of founders of high-growth startups? The kind of start-ups that take off and scale and grow quickly? Do you think it’s 25 years old, 35, 45, ...