Achieve Your Goals by Focusing on This One Idea
“Habits are not a finish line to be crossed, but a lifestyle to be lived.” – James Clear What is something you want to accomplish? Maybe give a great presentation? Write a book? Start a new business? Now think about who that person is who achieved that. That person is a public speaker, or a ...
Striving for *Best* is Killing Your Mojo. Choose Good Enough.
Have you purchased something recently? Something major like a new laptop, a car, a bicycle, or even a minor thing like a toaster, or a shirt? And when you bought it, did you pore over the reviews and try to pick the very best one, with the most options, coolest color, or lightest design? If ...
How Do You Approach Your Work?
How you approach your work matters. You don’t have to repeat to yourself focus, focus, focus… there are some specific ways you can prime yourself to choose better priorities, and be more productive. How you set your mind and your body into your work can make a big impact on the quality of the work ...