
Achieve Your Goals by Focusing on This One Idea
“Habits are not a finish line to be crossed, but a lifestyle to be lived.” – James Clear What is something you want to accomplish? Maybe give a great presentation? Write a book? Start a new business? Now think about who that person is who achieved that. That person is a public speaker, or a ...

Why You Should Surprise People Sometimes
Remember that weird feeling when you’re in 5th grade and you see your teacher at the grocery store, just picking out bananas like a normal human? And it’s really strange because she doesn’t belong at the grocery store. She belongs in math class. Like, what’s she doing here? Or you see your mean, yelling gym ...

Your Stubborn Optimism Is Contributing to Your Success
One day, the farmer’s horse jumps the fence and runs off. The farmer’s neighbor stops by and says, “I’m so sorry. That’s terrible news.” The farmer shrugs and says, “Who knows if it’s good or bad news.” Several days later, the horse returns with six other wild horses who have followed him home. The neighbor ...

Learning from the Inside Out
I listened to an interview on our local Public Radio with (Angelo) Paul Ramunni, founder of the New England Accordion Connection & Museum Company and author of the book, Accordion Stories from the Heart. When he was a youngster, Paul’s parents asked him to learn to play the accordion – something he did not want ...

Keeping Score is a Losing Game
Maybe it’s a function of the age, of being 12 years old. I dunno. But a few years ago, our son would keep score of everything. If I asked him to empty the dishwasher, he would say it’s his sister’s turn. If we’re stacking wood in the shed, he lets me know how many more ...

Real Moments Will Not Be Televised
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. – George Bernhard Shaw It’s school vacation week here in New England and we’re out skiing with the family. It’s pretty cold, and early afternoon yesterday, we sat on the chairlift chatting about taking a break and warming our toes. There ...