Performance Management

Coaching Challenges – The Impact of Work-Life Stress

Conflicting priorities such as caring for family members, managing health problems, and dealing with difficult relationships… these can all create stress and fatigue for everyone. When you coach, you can’t ignore these factors that have such a great impact on the overall health of others. This course will review what you can do to help ...

Coaching Challenges – Protecting Boundaries

In the coaching profession, overstepping a boundary is considered unethical and it can jeopardize the success and well-being of the person being coached. The PURPOSE of the relationship sets the boundary – that purpose is a laser focus on the individual’s specific goals and professional development. Course Quick Facts: Duration: 5 minutes Downloadable Handout: Yes Series Title: Coaching ...

Coaching Challenges – Accountability Issues

There are legitimate reasons for missing meetings and failing to complete assignments. Work and life pressures can take priority. This can be very challenging for coaches. In your manager role, you can set expectations and hold people accountable for them. As a coach, you ask for accountability yet ultimately that lies with the coachee. This ...

Coaching Challenges – Feeling Stuck

Both parties in the coaching relationship will wind up feeling a bit “stuck” from time to time. Insight, awareness, and change – they don’t come easy. But don’t worry – feeling that “something isn’t working” is a signal. Recognize that signal and take your time to move in the right direction. Course Quick Facts: Duration: 5 ...

Closing the Relationship

As you began your relationship with warmth and curiosity, end in the same way. Invite your partner to check in with you and let you know how things are going. This is a good time to guide your coachee to reflect about goals, and how you can continue to support them. This course will provide ...

Recognize Coachee Progress

Your job as a coach is to facilitate your coachee’s awareness of their progress. You can help by sharing your own observations, but the more your coachee can discover through questions and reflection, the more they can own the process. This course will review the steps on how to use your coaching agreement and coachee’s ...