Personal Power

How to Manage Toxic Relationships

How to Manage Toxic Relationships

Toxic people can drain your energy and dampen your morale, often causing unnecessary drama. This course will explore seven research-based strategies to effectively manage toxic relationships in both your personal and professional life. From setting boundaries and selectively ignoring toxic behavior to countering manipulative guilt-tripping, learners will gain practical tools to navigate toxic dynamics. Empower ...
Navigating Through Loneliness, Anxiety, and Depression

Navigating Through Loneliness, Anxiety, and Depression

Every year, around one in five people experience a mental health issue, with depression and anxiety being the most common. This course will review the commonality of these experiences and discuss how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based treatment to counteract negative thoughts with positive statements. Learners will develop practical self-talk techniques to manage ...
Recognizing and Dealing with Burnout

Recognizing and Dealing with Burnout

Modern-day burnout can manifest as physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion, often exacerbated by the challenges of remote work. This course will discuss how to recognize, address, and prevent burnout in both your personal and professional life. Learners will identify the signs of burnout, including fatigue, sweet cravings, tension headaches, and insomnia. You will gain practical ...
Break free from Unhealthy Stress Coping Mechanisms

Break Free from Unhealthy Stress Coping Mechanisms

Are you struggling with unhealthy coping mechanisms in the face of stress? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This course will explore the impact of stress on your well-being and review common unhealthy coping mechanisms such as forced positivity, isolation, catastrophizing, emotional repression, and romanticizing the past. Learners will practice actionable strategies to shift these habits ...
Gain Confidence to Overcome Social Anxiety

Gain Confidence to Overcome Social Anxiety

Move beyond the misconception that social anxiety is merely shyness. This course will discuss the causes of social anxiety, recognizing signs such as event checking, conversation rehearsal, phone call avoidance, and the use of coping mechanisms. Explore the emotional and physical toll of social anxiety, from overwhelming pressure to fit in to feelings of loneliness. ...
How to Recognize and Overcome Overthinking

How to Recognize and Overcome Overthinking

If you are called an overthinker, it can lead to feelings of frustration. But it is crucial to recognize the characteristics of overthinking to effectively navigate this mental maze. This course will identify six indicators of overthinking, from stressful daydreams to decision paralysis, and provide research-based strategies to break free from these patterns. Learners will ...
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