Team Building

How can I create an effective Talent Plan to grow my team?

Leading a team with an eye toward the future requires a strategic approach to talent planning. In this course, managers and directors are equipped with the advanced skills to sculpt a talent development strategy that sustains organizational excellence. From identifying key roles that drive your team’s success to mastering talent prioritization and fostering development dialogue, ...

How do I create SMARTer goals and projects for my team?

In the quest for exceptional team performance, the clarity of goals is non-negotiable. This course is specifically tailored for managers and supervisors dedicated to elevating their team’s effectiveness through precise goal-setting and project planning. By mastering the SMART goal framework, you can create clear, achievable goals, convert SMART components into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and ...
How to Manage Toxic Relationships

How to Manage Toxic Relationships

Toxic people can drain your energy and dampen your morale, often causing unnecessary drama. This course will explore seven research-based strategies to effectively manage toxic relationships in both your personal and professional life. From setting boundaries and selectively ignoring toxic behavior to countering manipulative guilt-tripping, learners will gain practical tools to navigate toxic dynamics. Empower ...

Embracing Your Career: Career Growth Through Collaboration

Did you know the cartoonist Walt Disney was fired from his first job? He was told he wasn’t “creative enough”. This course focuses on the essence of collaboration—listening, empowering, sharing knowledge, and embracing diversity. Through analyzing practical strategies, learners will grasp how to foster a collaborative environment, unlock novel opportunities, and cultivate leadership skills essential ...

7 Questions Every Manager Should Ask Their Team

As a manager, it’s important to get to know your team members beyond just their work responsibilities. Understanding what your team members are passionate about can help you find ways to make their work more meaningful and engaging. When employees are doing work that aligns with their interests, they’re more likely to feel motivated and ...

The Leaders Developing Others Series

When leaders commit to supporting their team managers’ development, they increase the value of learning. Team members learn and retain more when they can talk about and apply what they’ve learned, involve others, and are held accountable by their leaders. Leaders who are committed to helping their team grow must then demonstrate transparency and authenticity. ...
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