Time Management

I am feeling so overwhelmed by the pressure to perform

Stepping into a supervisory role brings a surge of responsibilities that can often lead to feelings of being overwhelmed. This course is designed to equip new and seasoned supervisors alike with strategies to manage overwhelming workloads, unexpected challenges, and competing priorities. We delve into the intricacies of prioritization, delegation, and assertive decision-making, ensuring that supervisors ...

Creating a More Balanced Workplace Series

In a world of distractions, it’s sometimes hard to find our balance. Work-life balance is not just a personal matter – it has a way of impacting the quality of our work and relationships. Affecting not only individual employees, a lack of balance in your company can affect diversity, inclusion, innovation and talent retention. In ...

The Power of Goal Setting Series

Goals put you in control of the direction of your life and career instead of just being a passenger. Establishing a destination allows you to focus your energy and develop specific steps. It is also important to give yourself time to explore the options for your career, family, or health that can lead to ambitions ...

Part 1: How the Effective Executive Spends Time

Are you spending your time where you should be spending your time? Learning to do the right things right takes more than following a checklist or set of rules. To learn and change, you have to be self-aware, to practice using new skills, and to focus your efforts where they’ll have the greatest impact. This is ...

Part 2: The 3T Leadership Assessment

There are three major activities that constitute what leaders and managers “do” – where they spend their time. This course introduces the 3T Leadership Assessment Model to sort key effectiveness practices into three main categories: Think, Team, and Tactics. These practices are a realistic depiction of what you must do to execute in today’s environment. ...

Part 3: Become a Productivity Pro

So HOW do you leverage your assets and diminish your liabilities? You can’t possibly work on every productivity practice, but you can pick two or three you want to become a “pro” at or at least experience and demonstrate improvement to others. This is part 3 of “Doing the Right Things Right” Series.  This course will ...
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