The Power of Cultural Intelligence
Cultural intelligence (CQ) is a critical skill in today’s interconnected world. It enables us to recognize, understand, and adapt to different cultural perspectives, enhancing communication and collaboration among diverse teams. In multicultural workplaces, cultivating CQ is essential for ensuring all team members feel valued, included, and respected. This course aims to introduce the concept of ...
7 Questions Every Manager Should Ask Their Team
As a manager, it’s important to get to know your team members beyond just their work responsibilities. Understanding what your team members are passionate about can help you find ways to make their work more meaningful and engaging. When employees are doing work that aligns with their interests, they’re more likely to feel motivated and ...
The Coaching Skills for Managers Series
This course series is designed to train new and experienced managers to become exceptional coaches. There are incredible benefits to teams and companies that come from great coaching. You will gain a personal sense of growth and purpose from becoming a great coach who can help those around you grow and develop. When you learn ...
The People-Focused Leadership Series
The way we work has been transformed, and so too, has leadership. So-called “soft skills” such as empathy and awareness are no longer nice to have, but critical to what new leadership requires. In this series, we’ll explore six qualities of an effective and compassionate leader. The acronym CIRCLE makes it easy to remember: Compassionate. ...
The 18 Tough Acts of Management Series
This course series from Mindscaling focuses on the hard things managers need to do – the things that are critical to your success, but don’t always come easy. You will learn how emotional intelligence can deepen your listening skills and your relationships with your team to drive success. Innovative approaches and questioning techniques are discussed ...
The Executive Skills Series
Executive skills are not limited to a C-suite exclusive. They’re for everyone. They are the cognitive skills that help you make strategic decisions, regulate your behavior and emotions, and apply your strengths to your tasks to reach goals. Everyone has both strong and weak executive skills. Identifying the skills you’re using and how you’re using ...