Personal Power

Having Self-Compassion

It’s easy to get into the habit of talking down to yourself, saying things inwardly that you’d never say to another person. Speaking to yourself the way you would speak to a friend or loved one can improve how you feel about yourself, which will improve your performance. Self-compassion is kindness and care you show ...

Small Acts of Personal Mastery: Rehearse Excellence

Learn to rehearse for success and prepare yourself for excellence. This course discusses the importance of preparation when mastering a new skill. We provide tips to help you conquer new challenges and enlist the support of others to encourage you during successes and failures. After completing this course, you will have the skills needed to ...

Small Acts of Personal Mastery: Make it Easy on Yourself

Make it easier on yourself to start something new. This course is designed to motivate and energize you to begin a new project or adventure. You will learn how to take small, intentional steps that minimize the energy it requires to begin a new task, so you can spend that energy on the task itself. ...

Small Acts of Personal Mastery: Destroy One Fear, Change Your Entire Life

Learn to challenge yourself and overcome fears. This course will help you feel less constrained and inhibited by your phobias, opening up a new level of personal freedom. We will discuss the fundamentals of overcoming fear by exploring the psychology of phobias. You’ll gain confidence to strive for new challenges that you previously believed were ...

Small Acts of Personal Mastery: Action Creates Clarity

Learn to step outside of your comfort zone and take on personal dreams and challenges. This brief course will motivate you to take action and overcome the fear of trying. You will learn how to take action that creates clarity and gain the courage needed to achieve your dreams. This course provides you with tips ...

Small Acts of Confidence: You Can Ask For More Than You Think

Learn how to ask for more than you think you deserve. This course will help you to see that you’re more valuable than you may realize. We will discuss how assertiveness is perceived, why it’s important to ask for more, and how to take small steps when learning to ask for more. This Small Acts ...