Work Culture
The Workplace Civility Series
You deserve to work in an office setting that is stable, safe, and emotionally secure. You deserve to work with colleagues who have empathy, self-control and behave in a professional manner. Workplace bullying, inappropriate behavior, addressing loneliness, or dealing with tears and emotions are all difficult challenges in today’s workplace. This series from Mindscaling discusses ...
Pillars of Leadership: Part 4 Letting Go
This course series is released in 5 modules, based on the bestselling author Jason Jennings. This is Part 4: Letting Go. This course teaches the four most important things to let go of. We learn how to maintain velocity by dumping the excess baggage that slows other organizations down. This builds a shared understanding and ...
Pillars of Leadership: Part 5 Stewardship
This course series is released in 5 modules, based on the bestselling author Jason Jennings. This is Part 5: Stewardship. The final course reveals what highly successful leaders consider most essential to their role – that of Stewardship. Stewards are courageous about bucking conventional wisdom and standing up for people and principles. Feeling called to ...