We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

Selecting the Best Thinking Tools
Throughout the critical thinking process, you’ll be dealing with a high volume of information. In order to use that information properly to reach the best possible solution, you’ll need to keep it organized and accessible. There are many topics available today for sorting, storing, and sharing information, but not all tools will be suitable for ...

Overcoming Indecision
Critical thinking takes more time than less effective problem-solving methods, but it isn’t effective to become so involved in the process that you lose sight of the goal. At some point, you have to make a decision. Critical thinking can often generate indecision in the form of “analysis paralysis” or imposter syndrome. Overcoming these concerns ...

Drawing Conclusions
The work you’ve done to take in and synthesize data, information, and arguments has gotten you to the point of drawing conclusions. In this course we explore how to analyze the information we have collected and come to meaningful conclusions. Course Quick Facts: Duration: 5 minutes Downloadable Handout: Yes Series Title: The Critical Thinking Series Learning Objectives: Recognize ...

The Strength of Being Vulnerable
We tend to subconsciously seek out the vulnerability in others while going to considerable lengths to conceal vulnerability within ourselves, even though that vulnerability can make us more appealing, courageous, and trustworthy to others. Practice sharing insecurities in appropriate situations and being honest in your communications with friends and team members, even if it makes ...

People Have More Dimensions Than You Think
Your experiences with a person will define your perception and expectation of him or her, but people exist in many more dimensions than what is shown to you. We seek predictability because we take comfort in consistency. Revealing more dimensions of yourself to others can help expand their expectations and encourage team growth. Course Quick ...

Stop Being Afraid of Getting Fired
Avoiding job insecurity often means avoiding risk at work by accepting unprofessional treatment, following weak leadership, and suppressing your individuality and strengths. In reality, you’re not likely to be fired for taking initiative and creating value, even if you take a risk and fail. Companies that don’t value that type of bravery don’t have the ...