We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

Making the Case for Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is a method of achieving the best solution to a problem. It provides you with a bigger picture and more information on which to base your decisions. By digging deeper and being more aware of poor decision-making practices, you can eliminate faulty habits and facilitate beneficial action within your organization. Course Quick Facts: ...

Being an Agile Critical Thinker
Practicing agile critical thinking can improve your relationships and the outcomes of your decisions. Learn the steps of critical thinking and become more aware of your current thinking patterns that could be improved by this method. With an open mind and a curiosity to learn, you can advance your teamwork and performance. Course Quick Facts: ...

Recognizing the Power of Assumptions
Assumptions are so engrained in our automatic thinking, we usually don’t realize we’re making them. By consciously and actively identifying and challenging assumptions, you can eliminate the biases and stereotypes that get in the way of critical thinking. Recognizing your assumptions helps deconstruct the problem so you can find the most appropriate solution. Course Quick ...

Break Your Bias Habit
We’re all guilty of bias, but it can be dangerous if left unchecked. Practicing self-awareness and admitting that you might have your own bias is a crucial step in reducing the effect bias has on your decision-making and relationship-building. Once you’ve identified your bias, work toward changing the way you think as a habit. Course ...

Challenge Your Biased Storytelling
Biases show up in our actions and words, which can be an issue when you’re trying to solve a problem or pitch an idea. Biases prevent us from thoroughly examining the idea before reacting. Then we develop support around the reaction instead of choosing our reaction based on what idea or solution has the most ...

Your Optimism is a Good Thing
Optimism is yet another bias, which means it can unintended consequences, but it’s also important to note that optimism has a significant advantage as well. As with most things, it’s important to apply optimism in moderation and know when it’s appropriate. Course Quick Facts: Duration: 5 minutes Downloadable Handout: Yes Series Title: The Unconscious Bias Series Learning Objectives: ...