We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

Beware of Your Assumptions
Making assumptions is a completely natural behavior, but sometimes it can lead to beliefs and even actions that we wouldn’t have come to if we had all the information. That practice can cause much undue anxiety and stress. This course will teach you how to use critical thinking skills to acknowledge and resist those assumptions. ...

Mental Short Cuts May Slow You Down
Mental short cuts go by many different names. They happen when you react or make a decision without considering all the information you have available. When you react without enough information, your biases have much more influence over your decisions. Learn to identify and avoid mental shortcuts to lessen the influence of your biases. Course Quick ...

Stereotypes Can Limit Your View
Today’s society is rampant with stereotypes. Stereotypes are based on the idea that individuals within a group must hold similar characteristics. Virtually everyone has them, but most people are ashamed to admit it, which makes them difficult to explore and resolve. Stereotypes can create biases depending on how your stereotypes fit in with the people ...

Recognize Your Own Bias
Bias is part of being human and we’re all guilty of it. It’s important to be aware of your own bias in order to take more thoughtful action and develop stronger and healthier relationships. This course will cover the types of bias we use to support and defend our own thoughts, feelings, and actions, and ...

How to Ask More Powerful Questions
Working towards a goal usually involves addressing a series of questions. To simplify the process, we tend to take one idea at a time and treat it as a “will or won’t” situation. This course teaches a broader perspective. Asking the right questions as you work towards your goal can create new possibilities and opportunities ...

The Power of Borrowing Brilliance
Borrowing Brilliance is a tactic you might have used in everyday life without even knowing it, but this method of problem-solving can lead to blockbuster innovations. When you’re brainstorming, widen your considerations to other fields and the techniques they use to achieve the type of outcome you’re looking for. In this way, you’ll invite novelty ...