We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

Small Acts of Confidence: You Can Ask For More Than You Think
Learn how to ask for more than you think you deserve. This course will help you to see that you’re more valuable than you may realize. We will discuss how assertiveness is perceived, why it’s important to ask for more, and how to take small steps when learning to ask for more. This Small Acts ...

Small Acts of Team Engagement: Grant Autonomy and Trust
Learn to grant autonomy to your team and let people try, fail, and succeed on their own. This engaging course will help you become a leader that others can trust. You will discover why it’s important to let go of those you manage and allow them to learn from their mistakes. We will explore the ...

Small Acts of Team Engagement: Leadership Skills of the Future
Discover the leadership skills of the future and prepare for the fast-changing work world. This course will get you up to speed on the required expertise of tomorrow’s leaders. We’ll go over irreplaceable skills such as creativity, critical thinking and collaboration that continue to drive progress in the workplace. By the end of this course ...

Small Acts of Team Engagement: Question Insane Rules
Learn how to effectively assert yourself and question the rules and regulations within your organization. This course will help you ask the question “why do we do what we do?” Though an interesting anecdote, we will demonstrate how rules are often baseless. You will discover how to expertly challenge both the written and unwritten rules ...

Small Acts of Team Engagement: Small Acts Matter Most
Coach team members to take small steps with a meticulous eye for detail. This course will help you become a leader who understands the significance of small, meaningful acts. Rather than tackling a big and daunting challenge, you’ll learn the benefit of focusing on smaller, achievable goals. You will see how these small steps, when ...

Small Acts of Innovation: Defy Convention
Learn to challenge yourself and pursue the unexpected. This course will encourage you to defy traditional conventions and think outside the box. You will learn why it’s useful to capitalize on offbeat and unusual circumstances, rather than ignore them. We will also discuss the benefit of asking new questions to solve existing problems. This course ...