
Closing the Relationship
As you began your relationship with warmth and curiosity, end in the same way. Invite your partner to check in with you and let you know how things are going. This is a good time to guide your coachee to reflect about goals, and how you can continue to support them. This course will provide ...

Recognize Coachee Progress
Your job as a coach is to facilitate your coachee’s awareness of their progress. You can help by sharing your own observations, but the more your coachee can discover through questions and reflection, the more they can own the process. This course will review the steps on how to use your coaching agreement and coachee’s ...

Giving Feedback
Coaching relationships are collaborative and based on trust. They won’t work without those underpinnings. If you’ve developed a rapport with those you coach, you’ve established expectations about what will happen. Feedback is an expected part of the process. The coach is in a unique position to observe and offer perceptions on what is said and ...

Coaching Skills for Managers: Assignments
There comes a time for “fieldwork,” where simply talking won’t trigger any more growth. One activity that many coaches use as fieldwork is writing assignments. These writings are not meant to be shared, but to build awareness and clarity. After goals have been set and options explored, your coachee will be ready to try out ...

Coaching Skills for Managers: Broadening Awareness
When you coach, you’ll listen to people describe their experiences and state their opinions. They may use certain words over and over. They may say one thing but do something quite opposite. During the coaching process, this is likely to happen a few times. You must listen to what is being said and gather enough ...

Coaching Skills for Managers: The Power of Great Questions
Hopefully by now you understand that questions are the crux and the cornerstone of coaching. Different kinds of questions serve different functions throughout the coaching journey, but the bottom line is that questions invite your partner to discover the answers themselves. This course will review the best practices of asking questions and providing examples to ...