
The Art of Leadership Presence Series

This series from Mindscaling is based on the work of Karen Hough, the author of the Amazon Bestseller, “The Improvisation Edge: Secrets to Building Trust and Radical Collaboration at Work.” Stuff happens. Maybe your team responds to an idea in a way you never expected. Maybe the people who were supposed to show up didn’t. ...

The Workplace Civility Series

You deserve to work in an office setting that is stable, safe, and emotionally secure. You deserve to work with colleagues who have empathy, self-control and behave in a professional manner. Workplace bullying, inappropriate behavior, addressing loneliness, or dealing with tears and emotions are all difficult challenges in today’s workplace. This series from Mindscaling discusses ...

Dealing with Tears and Emotions

A recent survey found that 51% of adults said crying at work is unacceptable, but almost 60% said they had done so. There’s a disconnect here. The civil leader understands that tears and emotions are displays of personal distress, and it falls to the leader to respond appropriately. After completing this course, you will be ...

Making Introductions

While many people will automatically introduce themselves to one another, leaders still have an opportunity to make introductions meaningful. This means adding some information that’s appealing about each person, such as the person’s unique role or a professional distinction. When you do this, you convey that you’ve taken time to think about the people involved. ...

Recognize Loneliness at Work

Feeling lonely, disengaged, or “different” prevents people from contributing their best efforts. It is a human need to feel part of something, and leaders must recognize the signs of loneliness at work. And more than just recognize, to understand the source of it and take steps, even small ones, to instill a sense of belonging ...

Show Humility

Everyone makes mistakes, and no one is perfect. Leaders who are “big” enough to stand by this fact are much more favorably received than those who try to appear better than others. It is uncivil to place yourself on a pedestal or make others feel less-than. After completing this course, you will be able to ...