Goal Setting

Embracing Your Career: Stay Open to Learning

Albert Einstein used to imagine riding on a beam of light through the universe. This wasn’t just a whimsical idea but a curiosity-driven venture that led to groundbreaking revelations. This course underscores the importance of nurturing curiosity and embarking on new experiences to accelerate both personal and professional advancements. By embracing curiosity, you not only ...

The Power of Goal Setting Series

Goals put you in control of the direction of your life and career instead of just being a passenger. Establishing a destination allows you to focus your energy and develop specific steps. It is also important to give yourself time to explore the options for your career, family, or health that can lead to ambitions ...

Celebrate When You Achieve Your Goal

Celebrating after a win isn’t just fun and frivolous. It gives your brain the reward it’s looking for after an achievement, motivating you to continue to achieve. When you reach an important milestone or your goal, make sure you take a moment to congratulate yourself, thank your support system, and reflect on your journey. You ...

Know When It’s Time to Pivot

You’re going to encounter plenty of distractions and difficulties along your path to your goals. Sometimes, these external factors will delay you or shift your current position away from where you had planned to be. Pivoting realigns your current position with your plan so that you can continue to make steady progress towards your goals. ...

Persevere to Get What You Want

Perseverance is the “persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.” You’re going to hit roadblocks, speed bumps, and points where you run out of energy. The key to success is to push past these points and continue to progress. Your strategic goal planning process can help you break free from stagnation, ...

Visualization Can Make Dreams Real

The benefits of effective visualization practices are scientifically proven. Simply creating mental images of your goal’s process and the outcome can make it more attainable. The more detailed your visualization, the more powerful your neurological benefit. This course will teach you how to increase your motivation and overall performance by using outcome and process visualization ...