Goal Setting

You Don’t Have to Go it Alone

Research tells us that sharing your goal might have a negative effect on your motivation, but when you keep it to yourself, you’re robbing yourself of potentially crucial support, resources, and perspective. You can remedy this dilemma by choosing the right people with whom to share your goals and keep you accountable. This course will ...

The Power of Goal Setting

When you want to achieve something, you set goals. Goals put you in control of the direction of your life and career, instead of just being a passenger. Establishing a destination allows you to focus your energy and develop specific steps. It helps you eliminate unnecessary concerns and allocate resources appropriately. This course will encourage ...

Breaking Goals Down to Make it Do-able

Getting started is often the most challenging part of achieving a goal. It can be intimidating and overwhelming, particularly if your goal involves a new direction or unfamiliar challenges. Breaking the goal down into manageable, less intimidating parts establishes a structured timeline and makes the goal much more mentally digestible. Each time a milestone is ...

Deadlines Get it Done

A goal without a deadline is just a concept. The deadline gives your goal a frame in which you can build the entire detailed structure for achievement. When appropriately applied, deadlines can provide compelling motivation for progress towards your goals. Implement backward or forwards, or both, planning to break down your goal into the individual ...

Why You Should Write Your Own Goals Down

Writing things down is how most of us make sure to remember things, like appointments, groceries, and to-dos. The same goes for goal setting. Writing down your goals can help keep you focused and progressing in your chosen direction. A recent study even determined that those who write down their goals are 42% more likely ...

How to Figure Out What You Want

Sometimes you don’t know where to start when it comes to setting goals for your career and your life. Rather than making progress, you might be stuck in one spot, or afraid to move in the wrong direction. Giving yourself time to explore the options for your career, family, health, etc., can lead to ambitions ...