We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

Working with Executive Skills of Others
The unique skillsets in your team have a major influence on daily operations, relationships, and performance. Learning your team members’ strengths, and them learning yours, creates an opportunity for more effective task management and reduced personal tensions. The resulting improvement in job satisfaction and relationships will have a measurable impact on overall productivity. Course Quick ...

Use Executive Skills to Combat System Overload
The constant in-stream of information is a stress in itself, even before you start strategizing, making decisions, and executing. Controlling information overload is crucial to maintaining an effective level of focus and energy. Your executive skills will suffer when you’re mental inbox is overflowing. This course will discuss how boundaries, resources, and management can regulate ...

What ARE Executive Skills Anyway?
Executive skills are not a C-suite exclusive. They’re for everyone. They’re the cognitive skills that help you make strategic decisions, regulate your behavior and emotions, and apply your strengths to your tasks to reach goals. When you’re faced with a problem or opportunity, it’s your cognitive skills that determine how you’ll react and whether you’ll ...

The Art of Leadership Presence Series
This series from Mindscaling is based on the work of Karen Hough, the author of the Amazon Bestseller, “The Improvisation Edge: Secrets to Building Trust and Radical Collaboration at Work.” Stuff happens. Maybe your team responds to an idea in a way you never expected. Maybe the people who were supposed to show up didn’t. ...

The Workplace Civility Series
You deserve to work in an office setting that is stable, safe, and emotionally secure. You deserve to work with colleagues who have empathy, self-control and behave in a professional manner. Workplace bullying, inappropriate behavior, addressing loneliness, or dealing with tears and emotions are all difficult challenges in today’s workplace. This series from Mindscaling discusses ...

The Personal Power Series
Strength comes in several forms. You can be physically, mentally, intellectually, morally, or emotionally fit. The strength you value will depend on your experiences, but people exist in many more dimensions than what is shown to you. We seek predictability because we take comfort in consistency. Revealing more dimensions of yourself to others can help ...