We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

The Raising Resiliency Series
This micro-learning series is based on the bestselling work of Jen Shirkani, author of Choose Resilience: Break Out of Your Comfort Zone Using the Power of Emotional Intelligence. Most of us want to be happy and comfortable in life, but what if staying comfortable was the very thing that is holding us back and keeping ...

The Unconscious Bias Series
Our brains are so infinitely complex, we’re not even aware of most processes that are constantly occurring. It’s possible that one of those processes could be contributing to unconscious bias, along with other bad habits. This course will discuss different types of cognitive, motivation, perceptive, and behavioral biases that may show up in daily interactions ...

Asking Questions is the Foundation of Critical Thinking
Asking questions is crucial to the success of each stage of the critical thinking process. It enables you to find errors in your existing knowledge and gain insights that will shape your solutions. While you’ll probably need to ask a lot of questions, quality is more important than quantity. Learn to work with your team ...

Seeking Multiple Perspectives
In the critical thinking process, every perspective is valuable because every perspective provides a different view of the issue being solved. The more unique perspectives you have, the more whole your picture of the problem will be, allowing you to reach the most fitting solution. Bringing in multiple perspectives will also help you to create ...

Evaluating Arguments
When you’re practicing critical thinking, you have to eliminate assumptions. Part of eliminating assumptions is deconstructing arguments for or against a conclusion to discover whether they’re based on sound reasoning. You’d be surprised how often logical fallacies can be found at the root of seemingly solid arguments. Proper evaluation will help you determine which arguments ...

Using Evidence Wisely
Arguments are supported by evidence, but not all evidence is relevant, factual, and valuable. Solving a problem with critical thinking requires careful analysis of the evidence to determine if and how the evidence should be used to help you reach a solution. Once you’ve identified the qualified evidence, you can determine whether there is enough ...