We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

Great Managers Ask Powerful Questions
Most breakthrough innovations began with a question, such as “What if?” or a “I wonder?” We often neglect to use the power of questions to focus attention, stimulate ideas, and generate curiosity. These are all very desirable actions that can happen at the prompt of a good question. In this course you will reflect on ...

Change the Task, Not the Person
Changing people isn’t easy. As a manager, you will get to know people and learn about their unique skills and talents. This allows you to create a “goodness of fit” between people and the tasks that need to be done. In this course you will learn how to reframe thinking about work assignments by changing ...

You Can Learn to Lead
Being a leader is everyone’s opportunity. It can be learned if you are open to new ideas and ways of working with people. This may mean accepting occasional failure and letting go of “what worked before.” After completing this course you will be better able to adopt new ideas and practices associated with leadership. You ...

Show Interest in Others
When you are interested in and curious about other people, you are in discovery mode. You’re not making assumptions or letting any biases take over. Other people sense your openness and are more comfortable revealing themselves to you and connecting from a place of authenticity. After completing this course, you will be better able to ...

Waiting to Talk is Not Listening
To be a good manager requires many skills, and the most often-cited characteristic of great managers is listening. Many people have trouble listening because it requires turning down the “noise” in one’s own head while paying attention to others. This course reviews the steps of active listening and how to focus your attention away from ...

Being Decisive
Making decisions often benefits from collecting data and taking time to weigh all the options – but managers don’t always have these luxuries. To make the best decision possible means getting clear, thinking critically, and being confident in yourself. In this course you will learn techniques to make decisions even when you are short on ...