We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

Raising Resiliency: Engage Yourself
Improve your resiliency by learning how to engage yourself and pursue tasks with energy and persistence. This course discusses how we can begin to take responsibility for our own level of “engagement” in our work, and provides a few tricks to re-ignite our sense of fulfillment and engagement at work. We will teach you techniques ...

Raising Resiliency: Start Small
Raise your resiliency by starting with small, manageable changes. This course provides you will a series of 5 small exercises designed to help you get out of your comfort zone. These small steps include everyday tasks such as having lunch with someone new or giving an impromptu presentation. After completing this course, you will find ...

Raising Resiliency: Find the Person Who Challenges You
Some people are so easy to get along with. They make you laugh, and often agree with your ideas. But what if those are the same people who keep you in your comfort zone? Sometimes we need to surround ourselves with people who stretch us, and help us grow and learn. This course will help ...

Raising Resiliency: The Power of Gratitude
Adopt an attitude of gratitude with the tips and techniques presented in this Raising Resiliency series. The Power of Gratitude course will teach you how to give and receive sincere gratitude. We’ll discuss the importance of creativity in employing different forms of gratitude to best suit different types of employees. As a result, those around ...

Raising Resiliency: Build Tolerance for Stress
It’s important to reframe stress as an opportunity for learning and growth. This course is designed to help you improve your stress tolerance skills in order to become more resilient. You will discover how moderate stress builds tolerance for stress. We will introduce you to a number of stress-relief techniques such as a “Worse Case ...

Small Acts of Personal Mastery: Destroy One Fear, Change Your Entire Life
Learn to challenge yourself and overcome fears. This course will help you feel less constrained and inhibited by your phobias, opening up a new level of personal freedom. We will discuss the fundamentals of overcoming fear by exploring the psychology of phobias. You’ll gain confidence to strive for new challenges that you previously believed were ...