
Speak Up to Bullies

There are civil ways to speak up to those who mistreat others or show disrespect. Leaders are in a position to “name” a behavior that is inappropriate or wrong, and to model courage and confidence in the face of it. After completing this course, you will be better equipped to deal with workplace bullying in ...

Keep Your Promises

Broken promises lead to a lack of trust. It’s better to keep your promises small and meet them rather than make promises you can’t keep. A leader’s promises are taken to heart, and when broken, are equally as heartfelt. And when a promise cannot be fulfilled, the civil leader is honest about it. After completing ...

Learn How to Say Thank You

The power of the words “Thank You” cannot be overestimated. Thank your colleagues, employees, and customers for their efforts, their time, and their input. When you make your thank you specific, it means even more. “Thank you for setting up the room so nicely,” means much more than “Thank you for all you do.” After ...

Show Interest in Others

When you are interested in and curious about other people, you are in discovery mode. You’re not making assumptions or letting any biases take over. Other people sense your openness and are more comfortable revealing themselves to you and connecting from a place of authenticity. After completing this course, you will be better able to ...

How to Deliver Bad News

Delivering bad news is part of every manager’s job, whether it’s news of an unhappy customer or an organizational change that has a personal impact. We may be tempted to put off giving bad news or try to make it easier on the recipient – but these approaches can backfire. It’s better to practice the ...

Small Acts of Presence: Drunk on the Sound of Your Voice

Effective listening is integral to your professional and personal success. In this Small Acts of Presence course, you will learn the importance of truly listening in the workplace. We will review the roles that talking and listening play and discuss how to display an engaged demeanor during conversation. By the end of this course, you ...