Team Building

The Leaders Developing Others Series

When leaders commit to supporting their team managers’ development, they increase the value of learning. Team members learn and retain more when they can talk about and apply what they’ve learned, involve others, and are held accountable by their leaders. Leaders who are committed to helping their team grow must then demonstrate transparency and authenticity. ...

The People-Focused Leadership Series

The way we work has been transformed, and so too, has leadership. So-called “soft skills” such as empathy and awareness are no longer nice to have, but critical to what new leadership requires. In this series, we’ll explore six qualities of an effective and compassionate leader. The acronym CIRCLE makes it easy to remember: Compassionate. ...

The Managing Hybrid Work Environment Series

A hybrid work environment is a combination of remote and in-person collaboration. Experienced managers know that it takes regular check-ins to keep tabs on team members’ progress and challenges. We’ve learned by now that remote work is no less valuable than in-person work, but there’s still a stigma. This course series will help you identify ...