We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.
The Managing Hybrid Work Environment Series
A hybrid work environment is a combination of remote and in-person collaboration. Experienced managers know that it takes regular check-ins to keep tabs on team members’ progress and challenges. We’ve learned by now that remote work is no less valuable than in-person work, but there’s still a stigma. This course series will help you identify ...
Manage Outcomes, not Time
You’ve built trust and created a fair and productive hybrid model for your team. Now, take your hands off and let them do the work that you trust them to do. Don’t gauge performance by watching individuals work. Instead, this course will demonstrate how to gauge performance by evaluating the results achieved through collaboration. Course ...
Tips for Helping Hybrid Teams Thrive
You’re in charge of a different kind of work environment now. It’s everywhere, and it’s nowhere. How you handle that environment will determine if your team thrives. This course will discuss how your team understands not only their objective, but also their purpose and how they fit into the company. Course Quick Facts: Duration: 7 minutes ...
Tips for Building and Maintaining Trust on Hybrid Teams
Trust is critical on these intimate, project-based teams. Trust generates accountability, which generates productivity. When someone expects you – trusts you – to do something, you’re going to want to do it because they’ve given you the gift and honor of trust. As a manager, it’s your job to build and maintain trust in your ...
Pick the Right Communication Tools for Hybrid Teams
As your team’s leader, you’re the facilitator of communication. You decide how your team will communicate with you and with each other. Real-time (synchronous) communication like video calling is necessary to develop ideas and solutions and answer questions with clarity. Delayed communication (asynchronous) like email is also essential for conveying information. This course will enable ...
How to Sync Hours on Hybrid Teams
The flexibility that comes with the hybrid model brings many benefits. Your team members are happier, productivity increases, and everybody wins. However, these flexible schedules can be challenging to work around when you need several people collaborating on one aspect of a project. This course describes the method to create sync hours for set specific ...