We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

Executive Skills: A Story of Strengths and Weaknesses
Everyone has both strong and weak executive skills. Identifying the skills you’re using and how you’re using them allows you to improve them, which better equips you to achieve your goals and objectives. This course will teach the difference between your organizational skills and your regulatory skills. Organizational skills involve your memory and your ability ...

Executive Skills on the Job
You’re executing all the time. Applying executive skills can make your most burdensome tasks much easier to execute successfully. It starts with identifying which skills your job requires. Aligning your strengths to the demands of your position will enable you to improve your performance and job satisfaction. If your strengths don’t align with those demands, ...

Assess Your Executive Skills
A thorough understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses is a tool you can use to become a better employee and a better leader. You can apply your strengths to the tasks you’re responsible for, and then intentionally take responsibility for tasks aligned with your strengths. This course will teach you how to understand your ...

Dealing with Your Weaknesses
Everyone has executive skill weaknesses, but you don’t have to accept that those weaknesses will impair your performance or impede your progress towards your goals. Your executive skill strengths can compensate for your weaknesses if you apply them effectively. This reduces the energy you expend trying to use the executive skills that aren’t in your ...

Short Fixes for Executive Skill Weaknesses
Your executive weaknesses are likely to affect the people you work closely with. They may even come to regard you as unreliable in certain aspects because of your consistent weakness in that arena. Being aware of the effects of your weaknesses might make it easier for you to devise solutions leveraging your strengths. This course ...

Does Your Job Play to Your Strengths?
Too many people end up in a role not because it’s right for them, but because it was the road they felt they needed to take at the time. A better fit is a role aligned to your strengths, assigning you tasks that you feel equipped and comfortable executing. Very few positions will be your ...