We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

Recognize Loneliness at Work
Feeling lonely, disengaged, or “different” prevents people from contributing their best efforts. It is a human need to feel part of something, and leaders must recognize the signs of loneliness at work. And more than just recognize, to understand the source of it and take steps, even small ones, to instill a sense of belonging ...

Making Introductions
While many people will automatically introduce themselves to one another, leaders still have an opportunity to make introductions meaningful. This means adding some information that’s appealing about each person, such as the person’s unique role or a professional distinction. When you do this, you convey that you’ve taken time to think about the people involved. ...

Learn How to Say Thank You
The power of the words “Thank You” cannot be overestimated. Thank your colleagues, employees, and customers for their efforts, their time, and their input. When you make your thank you specific, it means even more. “Thank you for setting up the room so nicely,” means much more than “Thank you for all you do.” After ...

Keep Your Promises
Broken promises lead to a lack of trust. It’s better to keep your promises small and meet them rather than make promises you can’t keep. A leader’s promises are taken to heart, and when broken, are equally as heartfelt. And when a promise cannot be fulfilled, the civil leader is honest about it. After completing ...

Speak Up to Bullies
There are civil ways to speak up to those who mistreat others or show disrespect. Leaders are in a position to “name” a behavior that is inappropriate or wrong, and to model courage and confidence in the face of it. After completing this course, you will be better equipped to deal with workplace bullying in ...

Dealing with Tears and Emotions
A recent survey found that 51% of adults said crying at work is unacceptable, but almost 60% said they had done so. There’s a disconnect here. The civil leader understands that tears and emotions are displays of personal distress, and it falls to the leader to respond appropriately. After completing this course, you will be ...