We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

Giving Feedback that Works
Giving feedback is essential to playing a management role. People need – and want – feedback that helps them perform well. Managers must overcome apprehensions about giving feedback and take steps to ensure feedback is clear and constructive. After completing this course, you will be better able to manage your concerns about giving feedback and ...

Emotional Awareness
Managers who practice emotional awareness are typically more effective in meeting challenges and relating to others. Being self-aware is the first step to emotional intelligence. This means slowing down and noticing when something has triggered you physiologically. This course describes how emotional responses can cause you to make assumptions or react too quickly. Learn some ...

Every Relationship Teaches You Something About Yourself
Managers work with a variety of people, and diversity of thought and style is an asset to a team. Developing relationships with individual team members can be challenging, however. One way to meet this challenge is to view relationships as a way to learn about yourself. After completing this course, you will be better able ...

Win-Win Negotiation
Rather than think of negotiation as competition, good managers consider negotiation as a way to achieve desired outcomes through collaboration and sharing of resources. The most important aspect of negotiation is preparation. In this course you will learn how to leverage the power of negotiating by adopting a positive mindset, understanding the situation, and developing ...

Raising Resiliency: Tips from Super Survivors
Explore the characteristics of inspiring people who are extremely resilient. This Tips from Super Survivors course will introduce you to individuals who have overcome adversity. We will provide examples and demonstrate how these resilient people view their life in its entirety, and don’t allow a single event to define it. We will also explore how ...

Introduction to Balance Strategies
The desire for a healthy work-life balance transcends gender, generations, geographies and basically every dimension of difference you can think of. When companies create inclusive solutions for a healthier balance they realize improvement in retention, satisfaction, and productivity across all groups. How do you respond when subjected to work-life imbalances? This course provides tips and ...