
We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

Gain Confidence to Overcome Social Anxiety

Gain Confidence to Overcome Social Anxiety

Move beyond the misconception that social anxiety is merely shyness. This course will discuss the causes of social anxiety, recognizing signs such as event checking, conversation rehearsal, phone call avoidance, and the use of coping mechanisms. Explore the emotional and physical toll of social anxiety, from overwhelming pressure to fit in to feelings of loneliness. ...
How to Recognize and Overcome Overthinking

How to Recognize and Overcome Overthinking

If you are called an overthinker, it can lead to feelings of frustration. But it is crucial to recognize the characteristics of overthinking to effectively navigate this mental maze. This course will identify six indicators of overthinking, from stressful daydreams to decision paralysis, and provide research-based strategies to break free from these patterns. Learners will ...
the Differences Between Anxiety and Depression

Understanding the Differences Between Anxiety and Depression

Understanding anxiety and depression, especially when someone is facing both at the same time, can be confusing and stress inducing. This course will explore the connection between these mental health challenges and identify their unique characteristics. Backed by insights from the American Psychological Association, learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of anxiety disorders marked by ...

The Embracing Curiosity for Your Career Growth Series

This course series will empower individuals to embark on a journey of personal and professional development. Each course will explore how to drive one’s own growth through active curiosity, seize opportunities, lead meaningful change, and proactively shape the future. We inspire and equip professionals to take the lead on their career trajectories by fostering a ...

Embracing Your Career: The Role of Empathy in Your Professional Growth

In the journey of self-improvement and leadership, empathy plays a pivotal role. This course will explore how empathy fosters better conflict resolution, innovation, and overall productivity. Learners will apply practical methods to build empathy into their daily interactions, enhancing customer relations, team dynamics, and personal fulfillment in their career. Discover how transitioning from ‘I’ to ...

Embracing Your Career: Navigate Change and Adapt to Market Shifts

Remember how Netflix transitioned from a DVD mailing service to an internet streaming giant? This course discusses how adapting to change can create innovative and scalable solutions that keep businesses competitive. Learners will explore various strategies, from understanding organizational processes to fostering resilience during change. Adapting to market shifts is not only crucial for organizational ...