We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

Strategy #1: Being a Present Listener
Are you present when in a conversation with a family member, friend, or co-worker? In this course, you will learn the power of co-location and how to practice being present and listening. This strategy can be a powerful tool in engaging your team and letting the person that you are talking to know that they ...

Strategy #2: Having a Sense of Purpose
In life and at work, everyone needs a purpose to direct and motivate them. In this course, you will learn tips about setting direction and purpose. Mason Donovan will describe the 4 Levels of Purpose for greater clarity and purpose, and how to make them work for your team to create a greater work-life balance. ...

Strategy #3: Adopting Change Strategies
Everyone plays a leadership role at some point in the workplace. This course will teach you how to model and direct change strategies to influence your work and home life. Mason Donovan outlines and explains the 3 Strategies for Change including fixing time, practicing presence, and setting boundaries, and how to apply these to create ...

What is Work-Life Balance and Why Does it Matter?
In today’s busy world, is it even possible to find that sweet spot between work and play? This course will guide you through reflections and strategies for making work-life balance something fresh, feasible, and focused on you. Work-life balance is not just a personal matter; it has a way of impacting the quality of our work ...

What to Do When You’re Ghosted
It’s difficult to know what to do when others don’t return your calls or seem to dismiss you altogether. “Ghosting” is most commonly associated with dating relationships, and when it shows up at work, it’s equally frustrating. Whether you’re feeling this way or helping someone else deal with a similar situation, it’s good to have ...

How to Deliver Bad News
Delivering bad news is part of every manager’s job, whether it’s news of an unhappy customer or an organizational change that has a personal impact. We may be tempted to put off giving bad news or try to make it easier on the recipient – but these approaches can backfire. It’s better to practice the ...