Emotional Intelligence

You Can Be a Positive Force in a Toxic Workplace

It can be tough to stay positive when everyone around you is negative. In that situation, you need to be the change you wish to see in the world (or at least in your workplace). This course teaches you how to be a positive role model and improve toxic work environments. You will learn to ...

Emotional Intelligence: 7 Keys to Reclaim Control of Your Life

We still get stressed about things that never happen, worry about the future, often think we’re smarter than we are, and sometimes complain about our situation, work, or life in general. This course teaches you seven key Stoic principles to improve your attitude and life. You will learn to live in the present moment, be ...

The Power of Cultural Intelligence

Cultural intelligence (CQ) is a critical skill in today’s interconnected world. It enables us to recognize, understand, and adapt to different cultural perspectives, enhancing communication and collaboration among diverse teams. In multicultural workplaces, cultivating CQ is essential for ensuring all team members feel valued, included, and respected. This course aims to introduce the concept of ...

The 18 Tough Acts of Management Series

This course series from Mindscaling focuses on the hard things managers need to do – the things that are critical to your success, but don’t always come easy. You will learn how emotional intelligence can deepen your listening skills and your relationships with your team to drive success. Innovative approaches and questioning techniques are discussed ...

The Raising Resiliency Series

This micro-learning series is based on the bestselling work of Jen Shirkani, author of Choose Resilience: Break Out of Your Comfort Zone Using the Power of Emotional Intelligence. Most of us want to be happy and comfortable in life, but what if staying comfortable was the very thing that is holding us back and keeping ...

The Unconscious Bias Series

Our brains are so infinitely complex, we’re not even aware of most processes that are constantly occurring. It’s possible that one of those processes could be contributing to unconscious bias, along with other bad habits. This course will discuss different types of cognitive, motivation, perceptive, and behavioral biases that may show up in daily interactions ...