Unconscious Bias

Your Top-Down and Bottom-Up Brain
Our brains are so infinitely complex, we’re not even aware of most of the processes that are constantly occurring, but one of those processes could be contributing to unconscious bias, along with a mess of other bad habits. Fortunately, there’s a way to address and correct this automatic response system. In this course, you’ll learn ...

You Can Understand Your Motivations
Your motivations drive you to choose to take action, but they can also drive you to take shortcuts that lead to less satisfying results. When you understand what your motivations are, you can recognize the cognitive biases you might employ because of that motivation. Recognizing those biases will help you analyze options more completely to ...

How Do People Perceive You?
How others perceive you may not match how you see yourself, because your own cognitive biases can alter your self-perception. The way others see you will affect how they behave toward you, and how you think and feel about yourself. This will in turn affect how you behave, and therefore how others perceive you. This ...

Beware of Your Assumptions
Making assumptions is a completely natural behavior, but sometimes it can lead to beliefs and even actions that we wouldn’t have come to if we had all the information. That practice can cause much undue anxiety and stress. This course will teach you how to use critical thinking skills to acknowledge and resist those assumptions. ...

Mental Short Cuts May Slow You Down
Mental short cuts go by many different names. They happen when you react or make a decision without considering all the information you have available. When you react without enough information, your biases have much more influence over your decisions. Learn to identify and avoid mental shortcuts to lessen the influence of your biases. Course Quick ...

Stereotypes Can Limit Your View
Today’s society is rampant with stereotypes. Stereotypes are based on the idea that individuals within a group must hold similar characteristics. Virtually everyone has them, but most people are ashamed to admit it, which makes them difficult to explore and resolve. Stereotypes can create biases depending on how your stereotypes fit in with the people ...