We have over 250 micro-learning courses, built within the last 3 years, available right here, or installed on your Learning Management System (LMS). Our courses are authored by award-winning designers, and built in the latest technologies. With more in production. Always.

Make Sure All Voices Are Heard
When members of your team feel ignored or neglected, they can develop low confidence that affects their performance. In essence, you’re lowering their value by not appreciating their value. Increase the value and performance of your team by ensuring that every member knows he or she is appreciated. This course will teach you to facilitate ...

A Better Way to Pitch Your Ideas
Approaching a boss, investor, or another resource with a half-cocked idea is a quick way to get rejected. The key to gaining the approval of teams, leaders, and others is to present them with value. Once you get them on board, you can get the help you need to accomplish your goals while improving your ...

Why Diverse Teams Win
Diversity isn’t just progress for the sake of progress. Having a team made up of various ethnicities, different genders, and a range of ages actually increases your creativity and productivity. That’s because people who come from various backgrounds with various levels of experience broaden your perspective. This course will show you the error in cultural ...

Show Respect
Respect is a behavior that conveys recognition, appreciation, and even admiration. When leaders show respect, they recognize people are different from one another, and appreciate these differences and contributions. After completing this course, you will be better able to build an inclusion workplace that respects and values all contributors. Course Quick Facts: Duration: 5 minutes Downloadable ...

Present a Professional Appearance
While dress codes have shifted dramatically over the years, there’s still an expectation that leaders have a pleasant appearance. This doesn’t mean good looks or expensive clothing. It means looking alert, neat, and representative of your company’s brand. After completing this course, you will be able to make a more confident and powerful personal presence ...

Show Humility
Everyone makes mistakes, and no one is perfect. Leaders who are “big” enough to stand by this fact are much more favorably received than those who try to appear better than others. It is uncivil to place yourself on a pedestal or make others feel less-than. After completing this course, you will be able to ...